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Niki de saint Phalle, “Golem,” Jerusalem, 1972

A different version of the Golem created by a female artist for the purpose of having children play and emerge from the belly of the beast.

Nathan Rappaport, Memorial for Defenders of Negba, 1949

Nathan Rappaport, Memorial for Defenders of Negba, 1949

During the Israeli War of Independence, the new State of Israel was attacked by Egypt on the South. The young Kibbutz Negba was the most southern Jewish settlement in the country, and the location of much fierce fighting for three months.

Monument to the Negba Defenders
The Egyptian army was finally defeated in November 1948, but 43 soldiers lost their lives in the battle. 37 of the 43 soldiers are buried in the military cemetery in Kibbutz Negba, which is dedicated to the soldiers who died in these battles.
Standing above the graves, is a statue by Natan Rappaport. The statue, known as the Monument to the Negba Defenders, portrays an Israeli soldier, a pioneer, a nurse holding hands.

Nimrod, Yitzhak Danziger, 1938-1939

Nimrod, Yitzhak Danziger, 1938-1939

Trying to define a new style of Jew, one that is connected to the land of Canaan and its ancient cultures, Danziger made this sculpture which became an icon of the new, strong Jew.

Nimrod in the Torah: Genesis 10 בראשית פרק י

ח  וְכוּשׁ, יָלַד אֶת-נִמְרֹד; הוּא הֵחֵל, לִהְיוֹת גִּבֹּר בָּאָרֶץ. 8 And Cush begot Nimrod; he began to be a mighty hero on the earth.
ט  הוּא-הָיָה גִבֹּר-צַיִד, לִפְנֵי יְהוָה; עַל-כֵּן, יֵאָמַר, כְּנִמְרֹד גִּבּוֹר צַיִד, לִפְנֵי יְהוָה. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; wherefore it is said: ‘Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD.’

Nimrod in Midrash: The name Nimrod means a call for rebellion in Hebrew. Interpreters who wrote about the Torah text saw the character of Nimrod as a strong and dangerous king, whose might could lead a rebellion against God.

סדר מועד, מסכת עירובין

דף נג, א גמרא

 ולמה נקרא שמו נמרוד שהמריד את כל העולם כולו עליו במלכותו

Moed, Eruvin, 53A

And why was he called Nimrod? Because he led the whole world to rebel against him during his reign.

סדר מועד, מסכת פסחים

נמרוד הרשע שהמריד את כל העולם כולו עלי במלכותו

Moed, Pesachim, 94A

“The wicked Nimrod who led the whole world in rebellion against  me  [God] during his reign”